- P. Zhou, D. -U. Choi, W. D. Lu, S. -M. Kang and J. K. Eshraghian, “Gradient-based Neuromorphic Learning on Dynamical RRAM Arrays,” in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JETCAS.2022.3224071.
- Surender, S., Ranjan, R., Kang, S. M., “Resistorless Floating / Grounded Memristor Emulator Model with Electronic Tunability” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.
- P. Zhou, D. Choi, J. K. Eshraghian, and S. M. Kang, “A Fully Memristive Spiking Neural Network with Unsupervised Learning”, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS).
- Wang, X.Y., Dong, C.T., Zhou, P.F., Nandi, S.K., Nath, S.K., Elliman, R.G., Iu, H.H.C., Kang, S.M. and Eshraghian, J.K., 2022. Low-Variance Memristor-Based Multi-Level Ternary Combinational Logic. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 69(6), pp.2423-2434.
- S. M. Kang, D. Choi, J. K. Eshraghian, P. Zhou, J. Kim, B. Kong,X. Zhu, A. S. Demirkol, A. Ascoli, R. Tetzlaff, W. D. Lu, and L. O.Chua, “How to build a memristive integrate-and-fire model for spiking neuronal signal generation,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems- Part1, December 2021.
- Eshraghian, J. K., Cho, K., & Kang, S. M. (2021). CrossStack: A 3-D Reconfigurable RRAM Crossbar Inference Engine. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.06536.
- A. Ascoli, R. Tetzlaff, S. M. Kang, and L. O. Chua (2020). System-Theoretic Methods for Designing Bio-Inspired Mem-Computing Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Networks. Frontiers in Nanotechnology.
- Wang, X. Y., Zhou, P. F., Eshraghian, J. K., Lin, C. Y., Iu, H. H. C., Chang, T. C., & Kang, S. M. (2020). High-density memristor-cmos ternary logic family. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.
- A. Ascoli, et al., “Image Processing by Cellular Memcomputing Structures”, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Oct. 11-14, 2020, Seville, Spain.
- A. Ascoli, Ioannis Messaris, Ronald Tetzlaff, Steve Kang, and Leon Chua, “Image Mem-Processing Bio-Inspired Cellular Arrays with Bistable and Analogue Dynamic Memristors”, International Conf. on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST) 2020, 7-9 Sept. 2020, Bremen, Germany
- X. Wang, P. Zhou, J. K.Eshraghian, C. Lin, H. H. C. Iu, and S. M. Kang, “High-Density Memristor-CMOS Ternary Logic Family”, accepted to IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I”, Sep. 2020.
- S. M. Kang and J.K. Eshraghian, CMOS-Memristor Nanoelectronics for Neuromorphic Computing, (invited plenary talk paper), 2020 European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), September 2020, Sophia, Bulgaria.
- A. Ascoli, R. Tetzlaff, S. M. Kang, and L. O. Chua, “Theoretical Foundations of Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Networks: A DRM2-Based Method to Design Memcomputers With Dynamic Memristors”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-I, Mar. 2020, pp. 1-14.
- D. Choi, Y. Shao, X. Jia, and S. M. Kang, “Memristive Artificial Neural Network of Ionic Floating Gates for MNIST Digit Recognition”, Submitted to International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2021.